my phone's another reason, i text myself ideas and lines so i don't forget by the time i get to my notebook. didn't work, just made me lazier. now i just have a phone full of drafts, one liners and single words which might have made sense when i put them in but now when i look at some, i have no fucking idea what i was thinking of. "only mississippi can feel me" is one of my favourites. let me know if you think you know what the hell i was thinking of. i'm gonna go with something to do with the blues. that's all i know about mississippi, that and the klan, which seems a good of a reason as any to have the blues.
lastly, i'm bored of writing poetry, i guess that was bound to happen after a couple of notebooks full of crappy poems revolving around three basic themes. booooring. i'll bore you with them when i have nothing else to say.
which brings me to my point. yes, i had a point and am only now getting to it. even though i really enjoy writing this blog, i really, really want to write short stories and maybe, just maybe a novel one day but let's not get ahead of ourselves. short stories are hard enough, not so much the writing but coming up with an idea with some substance and entertainment. i've got 1 on paper, 1 in my head (which wants to hide in there a bit longer. procrastination might be its demise but i promise to do whatever i can to not lose it... except for writing it) and 1 that i just started yesterday after coming up with the idea a week or two ago. (procrastination - 1000, me - 1) this story will be my biggest challenge yet. it's very different from anything i've ever written, it has some fantasy in it. i usually write very real things, they're easier, you don't have to be as creative. the biggest obstacle however, will be writing about love. i've written about the part when the boy and girl meet already and have left it at that for now. i've never been in love. i've been infatuated a million times but definitely have never been in love. so it's probably going to be a little corny. i don't really have any experience to draw from for that part of the story. we'll see how it goes. feel free to tell me anything that you might think will help me with this. so wish me luck. if it goes good, i hope to try to get it published. some of you know i tried with my last one but my professor suggested some changes to make it better, which, once again due to procrastination and a loss of care, put back on the burner.
ps. some of you had mentioned how you were unable to comment on my posts and i just recently realized there's a setting to change that and i did. so if you still can't leave a comment let me know. and email me a "hi" at bit.2@hotmail.com if you want me to send the story when i'm done unless i already have your email address of course. but don't expect it to be anytime soon.
Your text to yourself actually was
ReplyDelete"Only Missi Pippi can feel me now". You remember... that girl you met at Mardi Gras?
Sorry if you can throw around the virgin leg stuff I get to come up with crap like this.
Love is quite a subject to take on. Love is when someone scratches your back every night even when they don't want to. Love is when you leave the biggest piece of cake for them. Love is when you don't let the everyday crap from life get between you but stick together and support each other.
I don't think love is them being your best friend. I have lots of friends that I love. They are the ones I have lots in common with. You don't have to have a lot in common but you need to have a lot of respect, for them and for yourself.
Most of the stuff in the beginning is not love but lust which is a good thing too.
I know you have my email address. Sound of fingers tapping on table.
u crack me up, lori lol. i like how u mention u don't have to have a lot in common with the person u love. i always felt i don't want too much in common with my would be lover. although i would like to have some important things in common, it would be nice to be able to learn from each other and have ur partner bring something unique to the table..... im so gay
ReplyDeleteSo true. If you do everything together then what will you talk about? Being a couple does not mean being Siamese twins.
ReplyDeleteThe important things to have in common are the values that you want to base your relationship and maybe family on.