My birthday has now passed. it was fun, i had an awesome time due in large part to my alcohol intake, which obviously wasn't enough, otherwise i wouldn't be able to type.
last year, i was able to bring friends out of the wood work, not this time around though. last night, or tonight as it is for me, i expected this birthday to be the best, most memorable yet. how shittelly (new word) was i disappointed!?!?
i had a great time, don't get me wrong. but unlike last year, no one came this year. the inexplicable part is, last year, i barely made an effort. this year i made a HUGE effort, i invited everyone i knew. last year, i didn't get many calls or texts about what was going on. this year, i constantly got calls and texts. last year, people i hadn't seen in a long time and did not expect to show, showed. this year, a lot of people i thought were "for sures" turned "no shows" even after they called and/or text'd to confirm they're "for sure-ness"....
it's a crazy, mixed up world, i can't explain it, i just live in it.
What? No shows. I hate that. If I say I'm gonna be somewhere then I am there. So did you try the Tequila Caesars?
ReplyDeleteI think the older we get the harder it is to get a group together to do anything. We are still trying to organize a get together for a friend whose birthday was in December.
I had my first actual birthday party when I turned 40. Yup never had one before that. Turns out I like them. Who knew.
this was just a drunken rant post. i thought of taking it down and then i decided not to. i just wanted to write and this is what came out, i guess. i write drunk quite often actually, well, not DRUNK, u know what i mean. i dont post till i've gone over it sober tho. especially with this blog i try to sober everything up. so ill leave this up as the one pure drunk post lol.
ReplyDeletei didn't try the tequila caesars actually. i have a game plan on bdays. i just drink water and pop cuz my friends r notorious for going shot crazy on bdays. and i still get stupid drunk without having an actual drink lol.
i can't believer that, lori. thats insane! how do u go that long without a bday party?!!? not even when u were a kid? that must be a form of abuse or neglect or something...
I know, too sad eh? I was a kid from the projects in Vancouver. No money in our house for birthday parties. We also depended on the welfare hampers for Christmas. I can remember my mom waiting on Christmas Eve to see if we were going to get a hamper. So sad.
ReplyDeleteYou think it is sad that I have never had a BDay party I have another shocker. I have never, ever done a shot. Nope. Never. I just don't get it. I like my booze and I want to savour it. I know the point is to get drunk but I just never ever do it. One of my sons is a bartender and he keeps trying to get me to try them. I have sipped a chocolate cake shot but I didn't slam it. Just sipped it.
This might be my new favorite line "it's a crazy, mixed up world, i can't explain it, i just live in it".