The story i'm embarking on, may very well turn into a novel one day. it has openings for further story at both beginning and ending. i've already been putting in more time thinking about the possibilities rather than thinking of the task at hand. the story i'm writing now can very easily be just a chapter or two within the big picture. i think i'm going to carry the idea through and add to it over time and see where it goes.
a friend and i once talked about how much research, dedication and time must go into writing a novel. you really have to be passionate about it. which i am, i think but i'm also lazy and as i mentioned i procrastinate a lot. i'll write it later, goes through my head all the time and i justify it by making lame excuses. i know, i'm only lying to myself and how pathetic is that?
the whole idea was inspired by a single painting and it's an original idea as far as i know. i love how a single work of art can inspire creativity and cause someone else to create something off the strength of that work in a completely different form of art. art breeds art. did i ever mention how much i love art?
(i just really wanted to use this picture. i bet it comes to bite me in the ass when i write something that could've really used it.)

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