Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eagle vs. Shark

Anyone can be intelligent, not everyone can be smart. yet, i meet smart people everywhere and far too few intelligent ones. somehow so many i've met with great i.q's aren't very intelligent at all.

i'm not the smartest person i know, far from but i am intelligent. you need good genes to be smart for a start and you can obviously work at it but let's face it, the guy with two dimwits for parents will most likely not be the head of his class no matter how much he studies. all the information will not stick and some of it will be lost along the way. however this doesn't mean one should give up and throw in the towel, that would be unintelligent.

not being smart doesn't mean you're dumb, not exercising intelligence does. no one has a valid excuse to not utilize their intelligence. intelligence is what we all have inside us to transcend whatever situation we've been dealt with. intelligence is striving to become better. intelligence is a key ingredient of happiness. intelligence needs your entire being to progress. mind. body. soul.

soul. is the more simple of the three in my opinion but somehow the hardest to perfect. it's also a figment of our mind... to me. i know most people believe it to be its own entity, something weightless in themselves, perhaps closer in feel to their heart than to their mind.

intelligence touches that part of the brain where soul resides that all the smarts in the world can't. soul feeds intelligence and intelligence feeds soul. purity and selflessness feed both which brings on REAL happiness. TRUENESS. therefore ignorance is NOT bliss. intelligence is.

truth. unflinching. unbendable. impenetrable. glorious. happiness. transcendent. freedom. REAL.

conflicts whether inner or outer are unavoidable. exercising intelligence greatly minimizes the appearance and duration of these conflicts, which in turn minimizes the affect of them on yourself. being true to yourself gives you no choice but to be true to others. not an easy feat and very difficult to accomplish but it would be unintelligent not to give it a shot. i'm working hard at it and making very little progress but progress nonetheless.

i FEEL indestructibly unstoppable because i try to glide with grace on the clouds of intelligence. not because i've read a book. i'd rather fly with the angels than swim with the mermaids any day.

suggestion for new year's resolution: exercise intelligence

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rising Son

I woke. I rose.

I decided i was going to walk to china 1 crisp and dewy, stark morning. the sun absent.

no backpack. no luggage. no baggage. no looking back. no half steps. no stumbling. no stops. no idea. no failure.

all thoughts, wants, needs, desires, goals combine to make; 1 mind. 1 body. 1 heart. 1 soul. 1 hunger. 1 horizon. 1 vision. 1 love. all combine to make 1 lumbering weight on two shoulders. all encompassed into 1 word.

i rise.

along my walk i have picked up beautiful baggage, i have looked back in disgust, i have stumbled foolishly, i have a better idea. NO FAILURE. NEVER FAILURE.

and still i rise.

i walk. i stare at the horizon. beaten but not beat. fatigued but not tired. the horizon never nears but the grave i woke from fades further and further away. that's the idea. china is not the oasis. china is the mirage. the walk is the oasis.

all thoughts, wants, needs, desires, goals combine to make; 1 omnipotent mind. 1 indestructible body. 1 enormous heart. 1 passionate soul. 1 unrelenting hunger. 1 illusion of a horizon. 1 stead fast vision. 1 enveloping love. all combine to 1 feather of a weight on two iron clad shoulders. all encompass to 1 word.
