Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ah! This Darkness Within and Without

Darkness in the abysmal depths of our hearts
Darkness hovering like a bird of ill-omen
on the horizon of mind.
Darkness lingering like a sinister frown
on the brow of thought
Darkness smudging the face of reason
Darkness besmirching the mirror of existence
Darkness submerging the world of sensibility
Darkness smothering our youthful aspirations
Darkness casting monstrous shadows
across the sunny vistas of life.

No glimmer divine illumines the dark sanctums
of the custodians of public morals
The censor's hearts are cold, indifferent
apathetic to the wailing and weepings
and prayerful beseechings of the devout and the faithful
The shepherd and the sheep
The Guide and the gullible
are beyond Redemption.

Outside a furious storm is raging
Inside darkness reigns supreme -
The Abodes of God
Pagoda and Cathedral
Mosque and Temple
Are all dark within and without.
The night is pitch dark awe-inspiring
sending a shiver of cold, deep into the spine
and I
wrapped in the shroud of mysterious silence
Whither bound? In the gloom profound
All alone... companion less.
A few that are... are dozing and dreaming
rollicking in the arms of a complacent life.
But for how long shall i traverse
this dusty and dreary, dark and dreadful
path of existence?
I brood and ponder
whence? whither? and why?
I muse and wonder.
Where shall my quest lead me to?
I stand bewildered and dazed
In sheer consternation... utterly dismayed.
How long shall I grope and stumble in the dark
without a Guide?
Ah! no light beckons me from afar
and the night is too dark.
Yet, footsore and weary
I am trudging-alone-all all alone
What a lonely night!

A frantic finger moves reckless and wild
shattering the hushed peace of night
Breath-taking suspense... but hark!
the agonising groan of human heart
piercing the thickening pall of gloom.
Listen! the pathetic wail that comes again
sending ominous reverberations
across a world of sorrow rocked to and fro
by those fatal shots
and standing aghast at the dastardly deed
of gruesome murder or martyrdom
crime or crucifixion.
Another great soul departs
Another blazing star is lost
In this dark, dark void.

How can the spirit of compassionate love soar
higher and higher with bruised and broken wings.
One more plunge into the bottomless pit
Am i awake or dreaming?
Hissing and howling, moaning and shrieking
What evil winds are blowing
across a vast panorama of life
Poor world is this - impoverished decadent
precariously poised on the precipice of destruction.
Is life a dream or a vision?
A chimera or an illusion
A reality stern and stark
or a play of vain delusions
or an eternal mirage
luring the worldly and the unworldly.
The world's inexorable tide is bearing me along
willy-nilly onward to unchartered regions
of the mysterious unknown

This loneliness is too great for me,
When all is dark within and without.

Lonely mountains, lonely valleys
Lonely villas, lonely alleys
What a lonely night!

What an impenetrable darkness!
Doesn't its Ethiopian grandeur terrify?
Doesn't its Stygian darkness horrify?

Cease the song of victory
sing the songs of defeat
For culture has beaten a retreat,
to hide its painted face in the cavernous haunts
of deception, duplicity and deceit.

Unmask the varnished facade of civilisation
Tear off the holy cloak of religion
and reveal the mocking grin of demon
masquerading in the guise of man.

No more divine symphonies of love
soothing strains and balmy refrains
O; musicians, strike up some other tune
discordant, jarring
uproarious, tumultuous
befitting the devil-dance
for the sons of Belial.
A mad frenzy!
A bacchanal orgy!
A voluptuous revel!

malignant forces are rife and rampant
suffering is writ large on the brow of creation

Will this night of all nights
herald no Dawn of Resurrection?
Bring no balm for the broken heart of man
Show no light to the groping soul of man
And Again men have killed a Man.

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