Escape... anxious, immediatelytorrentiallyanxious... as soon
as the step falters over that slinky, slimy, serpentine smoke screen...
critical audacity... urgent ignorance... urgent... imminent revelry...
Revel... welcome the outer entity to shift the mental gears
and guide the physical mobile to wherever... to nowhere in particular as long
as “there” isn’t where home is... where alone is... where authority is...
anywhere but authority... anywhere but responsibility... anywhere but others...
anywhere but empathy... anywhere but still shoes... anywhere but reality...
Limitless want... endless want... want no other way...
Inescapable... impossible freedom... no matter how far gone,
reversion is unbreakable law... bendable, maybe, but unbreakable obstinately...
Thirst never dies... dying... trying... keeping... fighting
prudence... never succumbing to conscientiousness... tenacious against
No matter the number of times escape is arrested... ignorance
will never stop its fight for liberation... THIS IGNORANCE WILL NEVER STOP ITS