It's been a year, can you believe it??? i can't! so much has happened since i started this blog and well, you know a lot about it. my journal for the masses! and by masses i mean lori :)
i started strong, didn't i? i was brimming with zeal and anticipation and anxiety, good anxiety. and of course having a brain over flowing with things to write about coupled with aforementioned anxiety, i spat those motherfuckers out like excess pork fat. you have no idea how much control it took me to take my time in posting. like a virgin, i was all rush, rush... think of baseball, think of baseball.
i really feel like fucking swearing a lot right now. happy fucks, not angry fucks. so here we fuckin go...
the fuckin sophomore slump, that's what they call it in the music biz. when you start strong and have nowhere to fuckin go but down for your second outing. i say fuck that! it only makes sense, when you start you have a lifetime of work ready to go after which you're just working with where you fuckin left off. which reminds me, i lost that story i was working on. how can something you spend time on and stare at with adoration disappear off the face of the earth right in front of your eyes??? the cyber world giveth and the cyber world taketh away. i was going to re-write the shit out of that thing anyway but damn did i have some fucking beautiful gems of sentences in there. you'll never know. moving on...
if i have to write about cancer this year, i'm going to be FUCKING PISSED!
if i don't get in at least a couple of more evolution pieces, i'm going to be FUCKING PISSED!
if i'm not able to crack a few smiles, i'm going to be FUCKING PISSED!
if i don't get deeper into my own head, i'm going to be FUCKING PISSED!
if anyone else dies on me, I'M GOING TO BE FUCKING PISSED!
in my own charlie brown; typing furiously; smiling incessantly; loving tremendously; heart on my sleeve; too amorous to be bitter; too jaded to be enthralled; overwhelmed; fuck it; peaceful ass way :)
you might wanna hide your cats though.
Watch your fucking mouth or I will get my bar of soap.
ReplyDeleteThink of baseball TFF. (too fucking funny)
Don't go too deep into your own head. Some of that shit is not for autopsy.
I can hear the Charlie Brown theme music and picture you typing away. I would be Lucy at the Psychiatrist's booth taking your money and giving crap advice.
I always wonder why we are where we are. Why do I read your blog? What draws me? Your take on life is refreshing. I worry about you. I'm a worrier.
Just live life day to day and do the best you can. Be someone that you would want your daughter to marry. Be someone that you kids would be proud of. Enjoy the journey because it only comes around once.
Oh ya, keep writing.